
Alumbra is a Spanish word that means "to shed light", it is a lantern that allows you to see in the dark. It comes from the verb alumbrar, which evokes a fire in the centre of a circle of people who are sharing and talking. Alumbrar means as well "to give birth", which refers to the spirit of creativity and innovation in the heart of our initiative.

Alumbra brings together consultants working for the UN, the EU and national agencies to create capacity building solutions for civil society organisations, especially those working in remote areas. We are committed to making accessible to all the knowledge that we have access to. This means we are constantly training ourselves, refining our processes and adjusting our strategies to provide the highest-quality and more accessible training.

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Stay updated on our pilot course

If you think big and want to go far, start small, and go in group. That's why we start by a master course to understand the Logframe for good, because this is the basis for all the rest. We will gather good practices and lessons learnt. And we will soon launch more courses, following the best practices from the pilot experience.

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